You may return any item(s) purchased from this website for any reason within the first seven (7) days from the date of delivery. We will gladly exchange your product for any of our products of equal or lesser value, or give you a full refund (excluding the shipping cost), whichever you prefer!
If your order has been shipped but not delivered yet, please call the courier and refuse the parcel, or you may refuse the parcel at delivery, and it will return to sender back to our warehouse.
For redemptions of our warranty mentioned above, or any defect-related issues, or to kick off a return, please contact us by submitting a ticket HERE!
You can also create an account and/or log in to FedEx Delivery Manager or UPS My Choice using the links below!
KontrolFreek cannot accept returns or offer refunds for any reason for products purchased through a reseller or distributor. Products not purchased through or through KontrolFreek eBay listings are to be returned to the original reseller for refunds.